Buzz in Purple
Watercolor workshop
As some of you know I spent the last weekend in Waterford at the first, and hopefully not the last, Art on the Island festival. Among the many activities on offer yours truly here had the pleasure of leading my first watercolor workshop and I have to say I really loved it. A small group of 6 ladies joined me for my first time and 6 turned out to be the magic number, for me anyway, a nice intimate group. We had set aside three hours and we settled on painting a floral watercolor. They had all had previous experience with watercolor and in truth I was pleasantly surprised with the really high level all round. They all seemed to enjoy it even though to be fair flowers weren’t the first choice subject to paint for some.
Weather wise It wasn’t the warmest day so we had to stop and heat ourselves with a half time coffee and scone which went down a treat! Anyway I’d like to think a great day was had by all and below is a picture of the ladies and the fruits of our labours, enjoy!!!

‘Buzz in Purple’
watercolor 54x34cm

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