New Year!

Jan 3, 2017news0 comments

Hi all and firstly can I wish everyone a happy New year! And seeing it is the time of year for new starts and resultions I thought I might share some of mine with you.
  • Blog more

First I plan to blog more, keep you more up to date with what I’m up to or planning to do. There is always something going on in artist’s life, even if it is new series or just a new painting. So I will be keeping you up to date. And hopefully I’ll get few readers :)
  • Share process

Also I’m hoping to upload more time-lapse videos and my processes from blank sheet to work of art! I know it might interest some of you, especially fellow artists. So watch this space, there will be new section with ‘how I painted this’ pdfs available to download and time-lapse videos of some works.
  • Paint more!

Yes! More! :) We can only grow if we move forward. So I will try to paint even more, especially plein-air. I got a pair of great gloves for Christmas so there is no excuse that my hands are getting cold…! So I’m looking forward to going back to routine studio painting and throwing in more outdoor adventures! Below new painting of great winter scenery which I witnessed 2 years ago in austrian Alps. The little picturesque village is called Fusch and the photo was taken with my phone when cross-country skiing. I have only used 2 colors for this one! Hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed painting it! Kate      
2017 art painting watercolor beach ballymoney by Kate Kos - Forever Young

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