Blooming Fields


This vibrant series, inspired by the beauty of Irish hedgerows, is ready to bring a burst of colour and life to your home. Browse the collection

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Latest from the blog:

‘Serenity’ exhibition

‘Serenity’ exhibition

Hi guys, I'm happy to finaly be able to show you 12 original pieces from my 'Serenity' exhibition in The Gaslamp Gallery in Gorey, Ireland. The idea was not to show the pieces before, so they were not published on the website or social media before. Not even on my...

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Watercolour paint along classes

Watercolour paint along classes

This summer I'm back in Killmurry Nursery for a 3rd year of Paint Along in Watercolour Lessons. Each day is a stand alone lesson and no previous experience is necessary. For those interested please book in advance here. I will be there each Wednesday and Thursday...

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River walk

River walk

A short video explaining how I got to paint 'River Walk' watercolor. Hope you enjoy a little inside to my painting adventure.

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2017 art painting watercolor beach ballymoney by Kate Kos - Forever Young

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