Blooming Fields


This vibrant series, inspired by the beauty of Irish hedgerows, is ready to bring a burst of colour and life to your home. Browse the collection

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Art in The Open 2015

Art in The Open 2015

I am really excited that I got to bring home Silver Award for participation in Art in the Open exhibition, over 140 artists took part in this biggest in Europe plein air painting festival over 7 days. The award is for the painting of Lake in The National Heritage Park...

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Watercolour painting – what do you need to start?

Watercolour painting – what do you need to start?

Here is the list of watercolor materials that I recommend for beginners:   Paper: For sketches and learning how to paint and use brushes i recommend very basic watercolor paper, you can buy  it in bulk in many art supplies shops, here is the link to  50 pack that...

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2017 art painting watercolor beach ballymoney by Kate Kos - Forever Young

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