Small Pleasures

Jul 19, 2017new work, thoughts

Small Pleasures

  Today I thought I’d talk about my small acrylics. Over the last few weeks the weather has been a little better than the norm I’ve spent a lot of time at the beach. Now normally I’m a watercolour girl but recently I do indulge in acrylics and in that light I took a few small canvases with me and I thought it’d be nice to share my experience with you my friends. Maybe the smaller canvases seem less intimidating or less professional but I seemed to have gotten far more attention than usual! On one of the days I had two little girls who kept me company whilst I painted away, they were very inquisitive and were fascinated by all the shades of colours I had ,I think they were hoping I’d need a break and they could step in and take over! In truth I had a nice steady stream of people young and old, some shy , some not so. I recall one lady who whilst asking me questions found out that I had originally had her in my painting but as she had moved I left her out, when she heard this she insisted on getting back into the frame! There was one awkward situation when a lady inquired about buying one and was shocked by my “high price”! It’s that same old chestnut that comes round time and time again. The argument being that it only takes an hour or two how can we charge so much? People forget the amount of unpaid hours upon hours upon months upon years it took me to get to where I can do a painting in only a few hours. Then there’s all the paintings I do that no one buys, my unwanted children! But maybe that’s a discussion for another day  and off topic for this one. Anyway my point is I really enjoyed my acrylic holiday and look forward for the weather to improve so I can have the next one!!! Kate
Gaura watercolor
Gaura watercolor
Gaura watercolor
Gaura watercolor
Gaura watercolor
2017 art painting watercolor beach ballymoney by Kate Kos - Forever Young

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