Studio Update

Feb 7, 2019news, thoughts1 comment

Studio update

It’s been over a month now since the official opening of my studio and it is fair to say that I am well settled in!
To begin with in December i was open 6 days a week but since the new year I changed opening times (see below) to accommodate morning watercolour classes, portrait club, plein air painting, basically all the things to accommodate me being the artist. And after my first full month I thought it might be a good time to reflect on same. There are so many things I love about my little studio.


There’s the contact with the public, people that love my art, people dropping in for a look around or just to say hello, people dropping in for a cuppa – reconnecting with old time collectors, friends I haven’t seen in a while and some locals just dropping in for a cup of something, usually in the afternoons which leads me to my second plus point.


The solitude in the mornings, the quiet time when I open up.


Then there is the space, like the saying goes “a place for everything and everything in it’s place”, designated corner for different types of jobs (computer desk, painting table and easel, packing and framing corner, art products shelf and of course gallery to show my work).It has made my work life so much easier, but also my home life.

Work/Life balance

Now there is a clear divide between work and home and never the twain should meet. Yes i can work early or late if needed but I like the way when I get home it is home time.

All in all I’m very pleased with the move and hope this first month is the first of many many months and years to come.


Gaura watercolor by Kate Kos
Gaura watercolor by Kate Kos
2017 art painting watercolor beach ballymoney by Kate Kos - Forever Young

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