The Giving
The Giving
I’ve been thinking lately about my paintings. Thinking about how yes I enjoy painting but like giving a present is it the giving? Or the present? Or the look on the persons face when they open the gift? I know I’m not giving stuff away here, a girls got to make a living! But it got me thinking about it all the same. Like when a songwriter writes a song, is the pleasure in finishing it or hearing it been sung by another? On that thought I looked at my website and although I have lots of my stuff on there I can’t hear anyone singing! So in that vain I ask you my fans, followers and anyone who has ever bought one of my paintings or calendars or even the postcards to show me them in your setting. I want to show my art being enjoyed and loved!! I thank you all in advance. Oh! And please remember any pictures you send me might be posted on my website so don’t have anything or anyone in them that you don’t want showing to the public. So excited to see what comes in!
And thank you all in advance!
P.S. To send your photo email info at or post in on my page on faceboook

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