Artform plein air award 2022

Aug 23, 2022news3 comments

Painting Dunmore

A few weeks back I headed to Dunmore East for a bit of a painting. Two of the paintings I did while there I entered in the Dunmore East plein air competition. The exhibition for same was this week and myself and Sophie headed down for the opening and guess what? I only won the thing! Yes first prize for yours truly, I’m really chuffed and then the icing on the cake was both submissions also sold. I’m very humbled and so grateful to all the judges who picked my work. Also a big thank you to Martina from Artform who organised the whole event.


  1. Marjorie

    Beautiful work !
    Congratulations on winning Kate – well deserved ,delighted for you !

    • Kate Kos

      Thank you Marjorie

  2. Catherine Langan

    Hi Kate, love your painting, where are your classes? also would you be interested in displaying your for sale art in a costal community centre?
    thanks Catherine


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2017 art painting watercolor beach ballymoney by Kate Kos - Forever Young

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