Dublin Plein Air Festival

Dublin Plein Air Festival

Dublin Plein Air Festival A Breath of Plein Air Wow! What a week! And I’m not talking about just the weather! I am talking of the fab week that was the inaugural plein air festival organised by Paul D’Arcy and supported by Fingal County Council and many...
Free Watercolour Classes

Free Watercolour Classes

Free Watercolour Classes Painting Classes in the garden Series of FREE watercolour painting classes coming up in Kimurry Nursery as a part of Wexford County Flower & Garden Festival. Classes will run daily at 10am throughout the week of festival (Monday 3rd July...
Thoughts after Bloom and new exhibition news

Thoughts after Bloom and new exhibition news

Thoughts after Bloom and new exhibition news Bloom! Bloom!!! Where do I begin? I know it’s been two weeks but it feels longer and I’m only just getting back to normal!! The show itself was only 5 days but the preparation was months!! For those of you who...
Meadow Glory and Bloom 2017

Meadow Glory and Bloom 2017

Meadow Glory and Bloom 2017 Bloom 2017 This year I have the pleasure of showing my paintings at famous Bloom In The Park – Ireland’s largest garden festival held as always in the center of Phoenix Park, Dublin. Avid gardeners from the four corners of...
The Red Gallery

The Red Gallery

The Red Gallery Painting Poppies Painting lipstick red poppies is definitely one of my guilty pleasures. I think I have painted hundreds of them by now. And still love it. Somehow I cannot resist joyful display of color. It couldn’t be more intensive and...
2017 art painting watercolor beach ballymoney by Kate Kos - Forever Young

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