Glendalough painting So honoured that my painting of Glendalough was presented to outgoing US Ambassador Kevin F. O Malley at last night’s gala in RDS Dublin. It was presented by Manging Director of BT Ireland Shay Walsh for ambassador’s contribiution to...
Lillies Lillies It’s 9th of January and I like the way things has started for me this year! I have been very busy painting for my new exhibition in The Pigyard Gallery in Wexford which will start in February. There will be few landscapes of Wexford and couple...
New Year! Hi all and firstly can I wish everyone a happy New year! And seeing it is the time of year for new starts and resultions I thought I might share some of mine with you. Blog more First I plan to blog more, keep you more up to date with what I’m up to or...
Hi guys, I’m happy to finaly be able to show you 12 original pieces from my ‘Serenity’ exhibition in The Gaslamp Gallery in Gorey, Ireland. The idea was not to show the pieces before, so they were not published on the website or social media before....
I am really excited that I got to bring home Silver Award for participation in Art in the Open exhibition, over 140 artists took part in this biggest in Europe plein air painting festival over 7 days. The award is for the painting of Lake in The National Heritage Park...
‘twenty14’ it is a collection of my very recent paintings, all of them painted in 2014, most of them in second half of the year. It is my first solo exhibition! Opening and wine reception on Thursday October 16th at 6pm Exhibition continues until...
Late summer, gardens filled with yellow, red and orange flowers. My favorite is old-fashioned sunflower. And it happens to be the only flower that I find hard to paint! I took few references photos and decided to give them a go one more time! I painted this first in...
September came so I started walking my daughter to school again. This is the view we get on a cold but sunny September morning. Sorry for blurred photo but it shows true colors. watercolor 54x36cm
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