Free Watercolour Classes
Painting Classes in the garden
Series of FREE watercolour painting classes coming up in Kimurry Nursery as a part of Wexford County Flower & Garden Festival. Classes will run daily at 10am throughout the week of festival (Monday 3rd July – Friday 7th July).
This simple class is easy to follow for total beginners, I will supply paper paints and brushes and hopefully we will have the weather for it. There is no need to book it, but I would appreciate if you would let me know that you are coming so we can be better prepared.
Call me at 0879877312 or use contact form.
The Wexford garden trail offers a unique range of large and small gardens and garden centers which are lovingly cared for, with ideas to take home and a great selection of plants, shrubs and trees. Visit for more information about the festival.
See you there.

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