Blooming Fields
This vibrant series, inspired by the beauty of Irish hedgerows, is ready to bring a burst of colour and life to your home. Browse the collection
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Social Media
Social Media I just found out today that over 400 hours of video content is added to YouTube every minute. That's over half a million hours per day. And that's just YouTube , imagine what's uploaded on Facebook , Instagram etc!? Too much for any one person to look at...
'Corners' An exhibition of Gorey town paintings Summer 2019Gorey town is celebrating 400 years and I have been lucky enough to call it my home for the last 15 of those years. We are spoilt here with the surrounding beaches and beautiful countryside, but the town...
Plein Air Painting Talk
Dunmore East Recently I had the opportunity to paint alongside other artists from South East Pleiner society in Dunmore East. This was my first time there and I was blown away and absolutely mesmerised by this picturesque town.I set up my easel at the first location...
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