Blooming Fields


This vibrant series, inspired by the beauty of Irish hedgerows, is ready to bring a burst of colour and life to your home. Browse the collection

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Watercolor v Acrylic

Watercolor v Acrylic

Golden Waves Although at this stage I'm painting with watercolor for over 10 years, and on the other hand acrylic is a relatively new adventure for me, I can honestly say that i love both acrylic and watercolor equally. Acrylic lets me work on one piece for longer,...

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Deer Painting As I was finishing this picture, Paul was passing my studio and when he saw it he commented something like: -We're painting fantasy now? This comment surprised me but when I stood back and looked I could see where he was coming from. While not completely...

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Great News! Happy to report that my Venice painting will take part in Fabriano in Acquarello 2018 - an international watercolour exhibition in Fabriano, Italy May 3-7. I am part of polish team which among many other countries will participate in this years exhibition...

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2017 art painting watercolor beach ballymoney by Kate Kos - Forever Young

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