Blooming Fields


This vibrant series, inspired by the beauty of Irish hedgerows, is ready to bring a burst of colour and life to your home. Browse the collection

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Painting seascape – time-lapse video

Painting seascape – time-lapse video

Watercolour seascape - time lapse video   I've been experimenting with video recording for some time now and it is still away from where I want it to be. I think the issue is that to record it with good quality I need to be painting while sitting down, and I...

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Cheers to a New Year

Cheers to a New Year

2017 Here we are at the end of another year and as is the norm time to look back on the year that was or in this case reflect on my artistic year. Another year as a professional artist and I have to say I'm happy I took the plunge into this fantastic world of art,...

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ArtSource 2017 I know its overdue but there is a good reason why I'm only writing about ArtSource now! It was such hard work and to be honest it took some time to get back to my usual rhythm and routine. Also there was a couple of commissions that I had put on hold...

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2017 art painting watercolor beach ballymoney by Kate Kos - Forever Young

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