Blooming Fields


This vibrant series, inspired by the beauty of Irish hedgerows, is ready to bring a burst of colour and life to your home. Browse the collection

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Latest from the blog:

Portrait of Rosa

Portrait of Rosa

White pastel portrait on black paper I haven’t done many portraits recently, as I’m trying to steer away from them. This one was done as a favour for a friend and I really enjoyed doing it. I happen to have new bright light in the studio which means that I can work...

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Dublin Plein Air Festival

Dublin Plein Air Festival

A Breath of Plein Air Wow! What a week! And I'm not talking about just the weather! I am talking of the fab week that was the inaugural plein air festival organised by Paul D'Arcy and supported by Fingal County Council and many other sponsors. And how well it was...

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Free Watercolour Classes

Free Watercolour Classes

Painting Classes in the garden Series of FREE watercolour painting classes coming up in Kimurry Nursery as a part of Wexford County Flower & Garden Festival. Classes will run daily at 10am throughout the week of festival (Monday 3rd July - Friday 7th July). This...

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2017 art painting watercolor beach ballymoney by Kate Kos - Forever Young

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