Blooming Fields
This vibrant series, inspired by the beauty of Irish hedgerows, is ready to bring a burst of colour and life to your home. Browse the collection
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Rose Petals
Rose Petal Picking My mum used to make jam filled doughnuts. They were the most delicious doughnuts I ever tasted and her secret was that she would add wild rose petals to the jam.There was a pink wild rose growing in our neighbourhood so whenever she was making jam...
Portraits For HSE Heroes #portraitsforHSEheroes is an initiative started on April 22nd by artist Bernadette Doolan who adapted the idea from an NHS version. It helps artists show appreciation for HSE front line workers. Participating artists would share on...
Staying Home
Staying home. Here I am writing this post at the end of April, when I should be spending most of my time outdoors, creating or seeking inspiration. Walking, taking pictures but now, like everyone else, I'm confined to quarters. As the pandemic started I was staying...
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