Thoughts after Bloom and new exhibition news
Bloom!!! Where do I begin? I know it’s been two weeks but it feels longer and I’m only just getting back to normal!! The show itself was only 5 days but the preparation was months!! For those of you who have never heard about it, a quick recap. Bloom is the annual gardening/horticulture event held in Phoenix Park, Dublin, Ireland. And this year I was involved on two fronts.
First I was commissioned by Fingal co co to do a mural for their show garden and I thought I’d represent myself as well with my own stand. So mural was done nearly 2 weeks before bloom opened to the public and I got some very positive feedback and if I’m being honest a hell of a lot easier than trying to sell my wares at the main event. I’m my own worst critic and find it hard to sell my pictures direct to the public, I’m a painter not a sales person!! Anyway a big thank you to everyone who called in and supported me whether it be by buying something or just a smile and a kind word. I learned a lot from it and know what I’ll do different at the next event, all part of the learning curve!! If any of you were there and have some feedback I’d love to hear it!! Overall it was a positive experience and I’ll do again albeit with a few tweaks.
‘Seabreeze’ – solo exhibition.
Speaking of shows and stuff … I’m getting paintings ready (that means I’m only painting them now!) for my new solo exhibition in The Gaslamp Gallery which is called ‘Seabreeze’ This will be a collection of seascapes from north county Wexford. More about it in the next post and below lots of photos from Bloom 2017. Enjoy!

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