Painting seascape – time-lapse video

Mar 27, 2018tips, work in progress0 comments

Watercolour seascape – time lapse video


I’ve been experimenting with video recording for some time now and it is still away from where I want it to be.
I think the issue is that to record it with good quality I need to be painting while sitting down, and I prefer standing, at least lately.

But I’m posting this so some of you can learn something hopefully.
This time-lapse video follows the process of seascape watercolour painting.
I started with pencil sketch using 2B pencil and then moved on to apply colour. I painted the people first so they would stand out more and to make sure I won’t paint over them when applying wash for the sand. After painting the sky and sand, most of the work is done, and I can enjoy adding details to all parts of the painting making sure to keep it light and balancing the colours. I was working from 2 photographs here which were taken in the summer on Ballymoney beach – my favourite spot. So this lovely bright painting is decorating my studio now reminding me of summer days!

Hope you like it!


‘The Big Hat’
watercolor 57x34cm

2017 art painting watercolor beach ballymoney by Kate Kos - Forever Young

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