Sep 18, 2023 | new work, thoughts
wet Summer Throughout the summer, my primary goal was to paint outdoors as often as I could. Unfortunately, the weather didn’t always cooperate, and even on the occasional clear day, I struggled to get organized and head out to paint. Nevertheless, despite these...
Jul 18, 2022 | new work, thoughts, work in progress
Waterford Trip and Painter’s FOMO Ok so It’s the summer, with a promise of some fine weather so thought to myself why not book a trip to Waterford same as last year? So booked myself into a hotel in Waterford, felt like it would be a good base and the...
Jan 12, 2022 | news, thoughts
2021 Normally at this time of the year, I give a little review of the previous year listing the highlights etc but here I sit, pen in hand struggling to come up with anything. It doesn’t seem like I have too much to talk about when it comes to 2021. Of course,...
Mar 17, 2021 | new work, thoughts
St Patrick’s Day Painting It has become a tradition that on St Patrick’s Day I paint something green. This is from the photo I took in Courtown Woods and I was meaning to paint it for a long time. I’ve built this painting up by adding hundreads of...
Jan 10, 2021 | new work, news, thoughts
2020 I was never a fan of summing up a year like it’s some sort of book I just read and I have to give a book report. New year is just a date like any other and we can’t just hit a reset button on Jan 1st as much as we might like to. But if I was to try...
Jul 17, 2020 | new work, thoughts
Rose Petal Picking My mum used to make jam filled doughnuts. They were the most delicious doughnuts I ever tasted and her secret was that she would add wild rose petals to the jam.There was a pink wild rose growing in our neighbourhood so whenever she was making jam...
Apr 26, 2020 | news, thoughts
Staying home. Here I am writing this post at the end of April, when I should be spending most of my time outdoors, creating or seeking inspiration. Walking, taking pictures but now, like everyone else, I’m confined to quarters. As the pandemic started I was...
Jan 9, 2020 | news, thoughts
2019 Farewell 2019 I am a bit late in saying goodbye to the old year and welcoming the new!2019 was a year of ups and downs, but I think more ups than downs.Looking back now at the amount of work I created I can see how busy I really was and I think it’s all...
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