Apr 25, 2019 | news, thoughts, work in progress
Gorey Mural The day It was a fine day about three weeks ago, one of the first this year that I gathered my bits and pieces and moved my studio to Gorey Civic Square albeit temporarily. I was on a mission and had a mural to paint so armed with bottles of paint,...
Mar 8, 2019 | new work, thoughts
How long it takes to finish a painting and a privilege of buying art privilege of buying art I have never bought an original piece of art. Shocked? It’s not because I don’t want to, of course I do! I am a painter, I love art , I look at art either online...
Feb 7, 2019 | news, thoughts
Studio Update Studio update It’s been over a month now since the official opening of my studio and it is fair to say that I am well settled in! To begin with in December i was open 6 days a week but since the new year I changed opening times (see below) to...
Jan 3, 2019 | new work, thoughts
2018 Recap 2018 So a few days late but the time has come to say goodbye to the year that was 2018. How does one measure or assess a year? We all have our own ways whether it be checking bank balances or even counting any extra lines on your brow! But for me it’s...
Dec 2, 2018 | new work, news, thoughts
Advent Art Calendar Art Advent Calendar It’s December 2nd so that means 24 days till Christmas. I’m going to have to be honest with you – I’m not a big fan of Christmas. Not the day itself mind you just the whole build up. The nearly 2 months...
Sep 5, 2018 | news, thoughts
Sketching on holidays This year’s holiday seems like a distant memory now that I’m back to work but it was only a few weeks back. Like most years we went to Italy, camping outside Venice, but this year we went all out and managed as well to have a short...
Dec 31, 2017 | news, thoughts
Cheers to a New Year 2017 Here we are at the end of another year and as is the norm time to look back on the year that was or in this case reflect on my artistic year. Another year as a professional artist and I have to say I’m happy I took the plunge into this...
Oct 23, 2017 | new work, thoughts
A thousand words Ever heard the expression “you look but do not see”? This got me thinking about what we see when we look at a painting. If you asked a dozen people to look at the same painting would they all see the same thing? Naturally they’d all...
Sep 26, 2017 | new work, thoughts
Bales of Hay Summer is gone! I’m not a farming expert and don’t pretend to be but at the end of each summer I see the fields of golden barley disappear to be replaced by fields of bales and they always remind me of big pillows. Like the fields are getting...
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