Sep 5, 2018 | news, thoughts
Sketching on holidays This year’s holiday seems like a distant memory now that I’m back to work but it was only a few weeks back. Like most years we went to Italy, camping outside Venice, but this year we went all out and managed as well to have a short...
Aug 30, 2018 | exhibition, news
Art In The Open 2018 and Bronze Award AITO 2018 Art in The Open is definitely one of the highlights of my art year. I seriously love this festival, and always look forward to when it starts. It’s great for so many reasons but for me one of the best parts is the...
Jul 9, 2018 | fingal, news
Dublin Plein Air Painting Festival 2018 A week of joy! It’s about two weeks now since Dublin Plein Air Painting Festival ended but this is the first real chance I’ve had to sit down and gather my thoughts. It would be so easy just to say it was a fun week...
Apr 23, 2018 | exhibition, news
FabrianoinAquarello Great News! Happy to report that my Venice painting will take part in Fabriano in Acquarello 2018 – an international watercolour exhibition in Fabriano, Italy May 3-7. I am part of polish team which among many other countries will participate...
Dec 31, 2017 | news, thoughts
Cheers to a New Year 2017 Here we are at the end of another year and as is the norm time to look back on the year that was or in this case reflect on my artistic year. Another year as a professional artist and I have to say I’m happy I took the plunge into this...
Nov 20, 2017 | exhibition, news
ArtSource ArtSource 2017 I know its overdue but there is a good reason why I’m only writing about ArtSource now! It was such hard work and to be honest it took some time to get back to my usual rhythm and routine. Also there was a couple of commissions that I...
Aug 2, 2017 | exhibition, news, work in progress
sea breeze – behind the scenes Everything about ‘sea breeze’ Wow!! What a great opening night! Thank you so so much to everyone who attended my “sea breeze” exhibition’s preview evening. It is great and humbling to know I have so...
Jul 22, 2017 | exhibition, news
‘Sea breeze’ ‘Sea breeze’ exhibition To all my online followers and supporters: You are invited to my solo exhibition in The Gaslamp Gallery called ‘Sea breeze’. It is a collection of 13 previously unseen watercolour paintings...
Jun 26, 2017 | new work, news, work in progress
Dublin Plein Air Festival A Breath of Plein Air Wow! What a week! And I’m not talking about just the weather! I am talking of the fab week that was the inaugural plein air festival organised by Paul D’Arcy and supported by Fingal County Council and many...
Jun 23, 2017 | lessons, news
Free Watercolour Classes Painting Classes in the garden Series of FREE watercolour painting classes coming up in Kimurry Nursery as a part of Wexford County Flower & Garden Festival. Classes will run daily at 10am throughout the week of festival (Monday 3rd July...
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